Thursday, January 12, 2012

Are you likely to suffer the post-partum depression?

You've just had a wonderful baby. Exactly what you were dreaming about for months or maybe years. But you still feel that something is off. What is it? Are you suffering from the post-partum depression? What is the best cure?
You are not alone. Some 80% of women experience some mood disturbances after pregnancy. They feel upset, alone, afraid and unloving to their baby and above all they feel guilty for feeling all of these feelings.
Childbirth is a time of great change for a woman. The adjustment to these changes can contribute to depression. 

  • Physical changes after delivery
  • Many changes occur after delivery, including changes in muscle tone and difficulty losing weight. 
  • A lot of women are simply tired after giving birth
  • You may feel soreness and even pain weeks after your delivery. Physical recovery after cesarean delivery may take even longer than after vaginal delivery
  • Some women feel guilty after a C-section, telling themselves that their baby was left alone (it was the main reason for my post-partum depression)
  • changes in hormons can cause mood swings
There are however certain women who in a short period of time tend to adapt to these changes and recover. In a few weeks they feel happier and more stable emotionally. Now, in my opinion this depends a lot on what you were expecting from your delivery. Some women plan to stay home babysitting and taking care of the house. The routine does not scare them and does not make them unhappy.
I was not among these women. I had to force myself to like the way my life was after my baby was born. It was so routine I felt I had no air and this had nothing to do with my baby. If you are among those women who before their pregnancy never stayed home and never liked routine, you might find it very difficult to adapt.. Unless, you start bringing something more creative to your day. Maybe you could do a part of your work during your baby's sleep. When you have a couple of hours for yourself to do what you like to do most, it will let you be more open emonionally towards your baby.
You will stop feeling guilty if you face the problem and tell yourself that you are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of women just like you. Let's help each other and embrace the joy of being a mother... with a strong personality.

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